Monday, October 24, 2011


Our upcoming Bazaar scheduled for Saturday November 5th from 10am-4pm is really shaping up!

We will be accepting Vendor Applications through this week.

If you are interested in vending and have not vended at one of our events before--click HERE for the New Vendor Application

If you are a returning Vendor--click HERE for the Fast Track Application

If you are a Parent, or Student at Lewis Elementary click HERE for the Parent/Student Application.

Feel free to email us at  if you have any questions!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Vendor Applications for the Bazaar will be Accepted until October 26th!

Thank You for your interest in the upcoming Bazaar!  

This is Lewis Elementary's largest Fundraiser for the year. 

Our hope is to raise approximately 1/3 of the funds needed for our annual PTA budget.  

We are in our 6th year of producing this event 
and continue to build on the hard work of previous Bazaar Organizers to bring a quality event to all those who participate.

We will be accepting Vendor Applications and Student/Parent Applications until October 26th.
If you are a returning Vendor you can access our Fast-Track Application HERE

We encourage you to apply as soon as possible.
Space is limited and we hope to be able to accommodate all who are interested in participating.

Please feel free to email the Holiday Bazaar Committee with any questions you may have

We'd love it if you followed us and "like"us on Facebook